Pink Flower in a Rain of Grace

Friday, March 31, 2006

This Looks Fun!

The top 5 must haves

In My Fridge (& pantry... the pantry was more exciting, not by much, but ehh;)):
1. Diet Coke
2. Tortillas
3. Kraft Mac & Cheese
4. Tea & Coffee
5. Frozen Broccoli & cheese for top

In My Closet:
1. Comfy, warm pjs
2. Pink & Black Duke hoody
3. Yeah, I am a fan of my birk sandals too
4. Fun socks!

In My Purse:
1. Chapstick (same here, Sazi)
2. Sunglasses (and again)
3. Orbit Grapefruit Gum!
4. Random Chronicle (of Narnia) of the Week (for long walks or rides on the tram)
5. Cell Phone (and again)

In My Car (well, I will tell you what is in my travel bag):
1. Diskman (it is still kickin' from like, 1999... thats like ancient in electronic years!!!)
2. Collection of fun cds (Sara, Nora, Nickle Creek, Inspirations, fun soundtracks & mixed cds)
3. Pinkish-purple blanket, throw thingy
4. Boz-Denny (my favorite teddy bear!)
5. And again, books... usually a chronical and another fun book (currently Captivating, by Stasi and John Eldridge)

On My TiVo (If you don't have it, pretend!):
1. Hmm... I think, maybe, Alias!
2. Home Edition (I don't remember the full name or if it is still on, but you know! Haha!)
3. Everwood
4. Gilmore Girls
5. (I have no idea really about this must have! Haha! I don't even know if these shows are still playing or are any good!)

This was fun times! Sorry I haven't been writting lately! It just so happened the first week that I started this, I was sick and in bed! I thought, "hey this is no biggie!!!" And now I am like, ahh! So anyway... I do love this so much, and hope to be able to write in this more often


  • At 9:25 AM, Blogger saraiwithani said…

    You SHOULD write more often because we LOVE hearing from you! I'm sad you were sick and in bed, but I do hope that you are feeling much better. I love you and miss you and am very glad to see you in like...THREE MONTHS!!! WOOHOO!! :)


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