Pink Flower in a Rain of Grace

Monday, March 06, 2006

Too Much Fun to Pass

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:30 & out of the bed @ 7:39
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds
3. What was the last film you saw at the movies? The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe! Wahoo!!!!! Oh my gosh, I am stinkin' excited about this movie!
4. What is your favorite TV show? ALIAS!!! Although, I am not caught up with this season (5) and have only seen half of 4, and I am so nervous about the rumors I have heard. Oh well... I am no fair-episode fan, I'm sure will love it!
5. What did you have for breakfast? A Corney Bar- its a little granola bar over here... yumminess with cranberries!
6. What is your middle name? Elizabeth, first name Martha... in case you thought my name was Beth Elizabeth
7. What is you favorite cuisine? Right now it is pizza, and more specifically, BBQ Chicken (pizza, that is)
8. What foods do you dislike? red meat foods! I hear ya, dood!
9. What is your favorite type of music? Oh dear, oh dear... this is hard. I think I would have to say bluegrass, actually. Anything with a little banjo! I am a huge fan! But honestly I have very eclectic taste in music!
10. What kind of car do you drive? No auto! Samo pijeskom... Only by foot!
11. Favorite sandwich? Um... I ate sandwiches 2 meals a day for the past month... right now I can't think of one that sounds appealing at all!
12. What characteristics do you despise in others? dishonesty, manipulation (funny... I have recognized it and dealt with it in my own character and have come to really despise it!)
13. Favorite item of clothing? papuce (Bosnian sock slippers! Now my feet feel naked without them!)
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation wherewould you go? Home to BC!
15. What color is your bathroom? mauve and navy blue
16. Favorite brand of clothing? H&M!
17. Where would you retire to? Um... I don't know! Maybe I retire in NC. Or maybe in South Africa! I don't know, I am 24 for crying out loud!
18. Favorite time of day? Hm... mid-morning, I think. But if I am outside in the summer time, it is definately twilight!
19. Where were you born? Sylva, NC
20. Favorite sport to watch? Baseball, but only live.
21. What laundry detergent do you use? Um... I am a little embarraced to say... believe it or not, it's called... Ass (Crazy Bosnians!)
22. Coke or Pepsi? Coke
23. Are you a morning person or night owl? Hmm... I work better if I start the day early, but I thin maybe I'm and all day person.
24. What size shoe do you wear ? 9
25. Do you have pets? I do today! Not usually though... I am dog-sitting Daniel and Lisie's puppy, Naboo!
26. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with everyone? Not really, no.
27. What did you want to be when you were little? Well apparently I announced to my preschool that I wanted to be a cheerleader! I wanted to be a pediatrician for a very long time...
28. Favorite candy bar? Milka cream bar
29. What is your best childhood memory? BIG FAMILY GATHERINGS!!!
30. What are the different jobs you have had in your life? Um... I was a camp councelor at Truett for many a year, made pizza, subs, and dough designs at Papa's Pizza, I babysat loads and loads of times, and was nanny to my favorite little 7 year old, Maggie, and I guess my job now is obedience to the Lord, whatever that means each day!
31. What color underwear are you wearing? Two guesses... well ok they are PINK, of course!
32. Nicknames: bethy, betney, mazi, bethany, & besh. In Bosnia, I have a nickname everywhere I go! plavusa (pronounced plavusha- means blondie), lutka (dolly), and dusa (pronounced doosha- means sweetheart)
33. Eye color: blue-green
34. Ever been to Africa? yes!
35. Ever been toilet papering? yes
36. Loved someone so much it made you cry? I don't really know how to answer this one
37. Croutons or bacon bits? croutons
38. Favorite day of the week? Thursday- preschool day!
39. Favorite Restaurant? Red Lobster, Chiles, Hot Wok (Thai, in Sarajevo)
40. Favorite flower? Orchids!!! Oh my, I love orchids!
41. Favorite ice cream? Supa Englesa! It tastes like eggnog with bits of cinnamon soaked cake stuff
42. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney?
43. Favorite Fast Food? Taco Bell
44. What color is your bedroom carpet? I don't have any
45. How many times did you fail your driver's test? None
46. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? H&M and Ikea!
47. What do you do most often when you are bored? sew, read
48. What is your bedtime? usually around 10:30
49. Who are you most curious about their responses to this questionnaire? well, I already saw them!
50. Last person you went to dinner with? I went to McDonalds with Stephanie in Italy! Not usually a fan, but there's just something about the familiarity that makes it yummy when it's available!
51. Ford or Toyota? Ford... but really, I don't think I have an opinion
52. What are you listening to right now? Norah Jones
53. What is your favorite color? Pink! And I love purple. Green is really growing on me though! I don't think it could ever surpass pink, but it is getting up there. This is like, bright, fun green, by the way!
54. Lake, Ocean or River? River! Rushing water has a lovely noise! So does the ocean, but for some reason the vastness of the ocean is pretty intimidating to me! Yeah... I love a river.
55. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Hm... chicken


  • At 4:40 AM, Blogger Flo said…

    So much fun! We know most of these answers already, but it is still so much to fill these out and then read them! The day that green surpasses pink in your life is the day I'll eat my socks!!! :)


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